
WMIS symbols and buttons

Descriptions of symbols and buttons used within WMIS

Map symbols by site classification


SymbolSymbol nameSymbol description
The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a maroon border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image. The image portrays monitoring within the earth at various water levels. A small tear drop located centre right has a tick which indicates water quality is sampled.
groundwater level + qualitySites that have monitoring data for groundwater level, and quality data monitoring.
Groundwater level - parameters site symbol. Groundwater level - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a red border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image. The image portrays monitoring within the earth at various water levels.
groundwater levelSites that have groundwater level monitoring data only.
Groundwater quality - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a purple border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop the image portrays monitoring at depth within the earth. A small tear drop located in the centre, has a tick to indicate water quality is sampled.
groundwater qualitySites that have monitoring data for groundwater quality only. Note: there aren't currently any sites in this category.
Rainfall - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a blue border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop the image is a rain cloud. This represents rainfall monitoring.
rainfallSites which have monitoring data for rainfall parameters only.
Surface water quantity + quality + rainfall - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a blue grey border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop the image portrays a rain cloud in the top left. There is a teardrop in the top right corner with a tick to indicate water quality is sampled at surface. There are ripples of a river below to indicate surface water quantity.
surface water quantity + quality + rainfallSites which have monitoring data for surface water quantity, quality, and rainfall.
Surface water quality + rainfall - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a dark blue border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop the image portrays a rain cloud in the top left. There is a teardrop in the top right corner with a tick to indicate water quality is sampled at surface.
surface water quality + rainfallSites which include monitoring data for surface water quality and rainfall parameters.
Surface water quantity + rainfall - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a blue border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image.  The image shows ripples of a river to indicate surface water quantity monitoring. There is a rain cloud located above it to the top left to indicate rainfall monitoring.
surface water quantity + rainfallSites which have monitoring data for water quantity and rainfall parameters.
Surface water quantity + quality - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a blue green border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image. The image shows ripples of a river to indicate surface water quantity monitoring. There is a teardrop in the top right corner with a tick to indicate water quality is sampled at surface.
surface water quantity + qualitySites that have monitoring data for surface water quantity, and quality.
Surface water quality - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a navy border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image. The image shows a teardrop in the top right corner with a tick to indicate water quality is sampled at surface.
surface water qualitySites that have monitoring data for surface water quality only.
Surface water quantity - parameters site symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a teal border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is an image. The image shows ripples of a river to indicate surface water quantity monitoring.
surface water quantitySites that have monitoring data for surface water quantity only.


SymbolSymbol nameSymbol description
Active site - sites activity symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a teal border. The interior is shaded with the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is a black tick to indicate the site is actively monitored.
active siteSites which will have some monitoring data in the current yearly schedule.
Inactive site - sites activity symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a lavender border. The interior is white. Within the inverted teardrop there is a black cross to indicate the site is not currently monitored.
inactive siteSites that do not have monitoring scheduled in the current monitoring schedule but have past monitoring data.

Telemetry type

SymbolSymbol nameSymbol description
Telemetered data - data telemetry type sites symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a teal border. The interior is of the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is a signal strength icon to indicate sending data by telemetry.
telemetered dataSites where the data is or has been telemetered in the past.
Search Tip: To view currently telemetered sites, combine with 'data period' filter.
Non-telemetered data - data telemetry type sites symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a purple border. The interior is of the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is a signal strength icon with a strike through. This shows these sites haven't had data sent by telemetry.
non-telemetered dataSites that have never had telemetry.

Monitoring type

SymbolSymbol nameSymbol description
Continuous & spot data - data monitoring type sites symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a purple border. The interior is of the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is a circle. The circle represents both continuous and spot monitoring.
continuous & spot dataSite has monitoring data for both continuous monitoring and spot data.
Continuous data - data monitoring type sites symbol. The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a blue border. The interior is of the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there are two rounded arrows making a circle. This image represents continuous monitoring.
continuous dataSite has continuous monitoring data only.
The symbol is an inverted teardrop shape, with a teal border. The interior is of the same hue. Within the inverted teardrop there is a conical flask part filled with water. This image represents spot measurements.
spot dataSite has spot data monitoring only.

Map area buttons

ButtonButton nameButton description
Restore Default Behaviour button. There is a circular arrow pointing in an anti-clockwise direction.
restore defaultUse this button if you would like to restore the page to its default settings. Note: it will keep any stored favourites.
View in table button. There is a symbol with two columns and two rows to represent data in a table. It has a thicker top border to present the header row.
view in tableUse this button to switch from map view to table view for the current selection.
Sharing options button. There is a thick arrow which is pointing to the right. The arrow has a curved tail.
sharing optionsUse this button to select from the available sharing options for the current view.
Expand button. There is a double-headed arrow pointing from the centre to the bottom left and to the top right.
expandUse this button to hide/show the left sidebar.
Zoom in button. There is a plus symbol.
zoom inUse this button to incrementally zoom in on the map.
a minus symbol
zoom outUse this button to incrementally zoom out on the map.
Show full extent button
show full extentUse this button to adjust the map to show all of Victoria.
What's near me now button
what's near me nowUse this button to adjust the map to show a view that is 10km from your current location. Note: this feature may not be accurate for all devices.
three stacked 2D squares rotated so points are at top and bottom
map layers
Set info pin button
set info pinUse this button to activate a pin, drop this pin to view all monitoring sites within a 10km radius.
Select single objects button
select single objects

Use this button to activate the ability to select single objects. Hold down the shift key and mouse click to select/deselect site. Mouse click and drag to move map viewing window. Hold down the shift, mouse click and drag to zoom to selected area.

Note: this is the default setting for site selection.

Select objects with rectangle button
select objects with rectangleUse this button to activate the ability to select sites within a rectangular area. Mouse click and drag to draw a rectangle and select all sites within. Hold down the shift key and mouse click to select/deselect site. Hold down the ctrl key and mouse click and drag to move the map viewing area. Hold down the ctrl key and shift key and drag to zoom to selected area.
Select objects with circle button
select objects with circleUse this button to activate the ability to select sites within a circular area. Mouse click and drag to draw a circle and select all sites within. Hold down the shift key and mouse click to select/deselect site. Hold down the ctrl key and mouse click and drag to move the map viewing area. Hold down the ctrl key and shift and drag to zoom to selected area.
Clustering button
turn on clusteringUse this button to turn on clustering of sites.
an inverted teardrop with a solid purple circle in the centre
clustering inactiveUse this button to turn off clustering of sites.
Favourite button
add to favouritesUse this button to add the selected site/s to favourites.
Show selection button
show selectionUse this button to add the selected sites to the left sidebar.
Download button
download selectionUse this button to add the selected sites to the download popup. From here you are able to refine your download.
Close or clear selection button
clear selectionUse this button to clear the current site selection.
ButtonButton nameButton description
Filter sites button
filter sitesUse this button to activate the advanced filter.
Expand arrow
expand arrowUse this button to expand a section within the sidebar.
Collapse arrow
collapse arrowUse this button to collapse a section within the sidebar.
[site]Each bold font site name within the sidebar is a button. Use this button to view general site information, data, and documents for the site.
Favourite button
add to favouritesAdd to favourites button is located in the site information section within a site. Use this button to add/remove the selected site to favourites.
the word documents

Use this button to see what documents are available. Each document item is a button. Document buttons include:

  • site details
  • chemistry (groundwater only)
  • daily summary (surface water only)
  • gaugings and ratings (surface water only)
  • flow duration curve (surface water only)
bore ID 100017 written in bold font
site detailsUse this button to provide detailed site information within the main explore area.
Chemistry button
chemistryUse this button to view groundwater chemistry laboratory data in tabular form.
the words daily summary
daily summary

Use this button to provide detailed surface water information for continuously monitored priority parameters within the main explore area.

These parameters are: stream water level; streamflow; dissolved oxygen; water temperature; turbidity and; salinity as electrical conductivity.

Multiple years can be added for different time periods.

A table view of information is available. Information about the daily summary is available.

the words gaugings and ratings
gaugings and ratingsUse this button to provide detailed gaugings and rating tables within the main explore area, where a gauging table exists. Tables default to the current, but previous tables can also be viewed. A table view of information is available. Information about rating curves is available.
a graph squiggling down and the words flow duration curve
flow duration curveUse this button to provide a flow duration curve for a site where it exists. Multiple curves can be added for different time periods. A table view of information is available. Information about flow duration curves is available.
bin symbol
flush favouritesWithin the favourites tab, use this button to flush all favourites. Individual sites can also be flushed using the smaller button with same bin symbol on individual sites.
Download button
download favouritesUse this button to commence the download selection process for all your favourite sites.

Graph area buttons

ButtonButton nameButton description
Choose period button
choose periodUse this button to choose the date range for the data you'd like to view. Options include: today; latest 24 hours; yesterday; this month; last month; this year so far; this water year so far; last year; last water year; latest 12 months; latest 24 months; latest 48 months; latest 5 years; latest 10 years; period of record and; custom period.
Cog button
configuration Use this button to tailor some basic features of the graph.
Analytics button
show analyticsThis button will be used in the future to provide analytics.
View in table button. There is a symbol with two columns and two rows to represent data in a table. It has a thicker top border to present the header row.
show tableUse this button to view the date, parameter and assigned quality code for each monitoring value. This table can be tailored to view/omit parameters. There is also a link to download the original data from the current site selection.
Sharing options button. There is a thick arrow which is pointing to the right. The arrow has a curved tail.
sharing optionsUse this button to select from the available sharing options for the current view.
info symbol
informationUse this button to view general graphing information.
Expand button. There is a double-headed arrow pointing from the centre to the bottom left and to the top right.
expand graphUse this button to remove/add the sidebar.
Close or clear selection button

Use this button to close the graph and return to the map view.

Tip: if you accidentally click this button you can use the go back button on the web ribbon to reinstate your graph.

Reviewed 11 June 2024

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