
What do quality codes mean?

Understand the data's quality and assumptions.

All data in the Water Measurement Information System (WMIS) is coded to understand the quality. The below explains each quality code and broadly categorises its reliability.

1Unedited data
2Good quality data - minimal editing required. +/- 0mm-10mm drift correction
3Used only by TELEM Data, must not be archived
4Good quality data. Edited by Hyadjust. Minimal editing required +/- 0mm-10mm drift correction
5Drawdown affecting site due to hydraulic conditions (slope/increased velocity/density); can cause diff b/w gauge board and instrument readings
6Different rating table used when level is rising compared to falling.
8Pool reading only - no flowing water
9Site/bore dry
10Data transposed from recorder chart
11Reviewed data without field adjustment (or correction)
12Unverified rainfall data awaiting annual rain gauge calibration
13Accurate derived data from multiple sources (level & flow)
14Unstable hydraulic conditions occurring due to high velocity
15Minor editing. +/- 11mm-20mm drift correction
16Minor editing. Edited by Hyadjust. +/- 11mm-20mm drift correction
17Level reference set incorrectly
18Logger removed from bore for airlifting/bore development
19First measurement since MP change / bore refurbishment
21Low velocity acoustic record affected by wind or gate
22Changed conditions at site. Not representative of stream conditions
26Daily gauge board readings
30Good measurement. Flow Trackers and M9 should be held for 40sec at each vertical reading across the cross section
31Good Measurement commonly used QC for gaugings. Flow Trackers/M9 should be held for 40sec at each vertical reading across the cross section
32Fair measurement. Used where there is turbulent flow, Vegetation growth, inadequate verticles, or non uniform flow conditions
333 Point measurement. Applicable to narrow sections eg. Pipes or channels
34Bucket measurement applicable to weirs, pipe outflow etc.
35Composite measurement. Segments taken from several gaugings
36Measurement for sampling purposes. Rough estimate
37Measurement estimated
38Quality or method unknown
39Catchment area defined (catchment rating table only)/ moving boat measurement
40Catchment area not defined (catchment rating table only)
42Low velocity acoustic record affected by wind or gate opening
43Good manual GW measurement
44GW - data from water corporations, consultants or government agencies
45GW - data from universities or CMAs
46GW - data from landholders
47GW - historic data from the GMS (validation unknown)
50Moderate editing +/- 21mm-30mm drift correction
51Single point high velocity measurement M9 use only. Water velocity > 3m/s
52Moderate editing. Edited by Hyadjust. +/- 21mm-30mm drift correction.
65Other authorities supplied data. Validation not supplied
76Interpolation between two points less than 24 hours apart, not a correlation
77Correlation with other station, same variable only
80Accumulated (rainfall or flow totals only)
82Linear interpolation across gap in records. (<0.5 day)
90Salinity interpolation (data management section use only)
96Daily read records substituted for continuous record lost due to natural cause/vandalism
99Sensor out of calibration (see comments)
100Irregular data, use with caution. (+30mm drift / >15% of range of instrument)
101Drawdown rating applied
104Records manually estimated
145Rating created via modelling
146Interim rating table
147Rating based on measurements older than 20 years
148Theoretical rating table applied.
149Rating extrapolated 1.5 times the maximum flow gauged.
150Rating extrapolated above 1.5x maximum flow gauged
151Data lost due to natural causes / vandalism (see additional quality info)
152Contractual issues affecting data collection or site/bore access
153Data not recorded. Probe out of water/below instrument threshold
154Data unreliable. Acoustic sensor affected by wind
155Data unreliable. Recording above instrument range
156Drawdown - normal rating does not apply
157Unreliable data (bore data)
158Unreliable data - awaiting correction from field validation
160Stage backed-up by downstream influence (see additional quality info) ?
161Poor quality data from debris effecting sensor
165Suspect or bad data supplied by other authority
170Raw unedited data stored in archive, secondary/backup sensor (see additional quality info) ?
180Data not recorded, equipment malfunction
190Data unavailable station discontinued
200Data available but not digitised
235Poor Measurement. Inadequate verticals or observations. Incomplete M9 measurement
236Suspect or Incomplete Measurement. Equipment suspect or gauging aborted
237Surface velocity measurement only
238Control leaking measurement. As noted on measurement or chart
239Backed up flow measurement. Flow affected by backup
240Not Coded Measurement. Not coded as per Hydsys system
241For Melbourne Water purposes (temporary code)
250Rating table suspended
254Rating table exceeded

Reviewed 14 June 2024

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