
Frequency of monitoring and transfer of data

Learn the differences between continuous monitoring and spot measurement. Understand data loggers and telemetry

Continuous monitoring

Continuous water monitoring measures various parameters of water at regular intervals. Monitoring sites are equipped with sensors that detect the measurements. This information is collected in data loggers, which are sometimes connected to telemetry.
Continuous water monitoring has various purposes. It allows for timely detection and response to changes in water level, streamflow, or water quality.

Data loggers

Several types of data loggers and sensors are used for continuous water monitoring. Selection of loggers consider the purpose, environment, data logging intervals, battery life, and if real time data transmission is required. Data loggers used within the Regional Water Monitoring Partnership (RWMP) include:

  • multi-parameter water quality sensors that can monitor pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and conductivity simultaneously
  • single parameter water quality loggers also exist
  • level and flow loggers.


Telemetry is the in situ collection of measurements of other data and their automatic transmission to receiving equipment. This allows for real-time or near real-time data to be utilised.

Spot measurement

Spot measurement involves collecting water samples at specific locations and times. The locations and timing of sampling is set at predetermined intervals. Spot water monitoring is also known as grab sampling or discrete sampling.
Spot measurement has various purposes. It may be used for verification of continuous monitoring equipment. It may be also used when continuous monitoring is not available, affordable, or required.

Reviewed 11 June 2024

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