
Groundwater monitoring statewide

The Water Measurement Information System (WMIS) is a great place to find current and historic State Observation Bore Network (SOBN) monitoring data, but its only part of a much larger picture.

Visualising Victoria's Groundwater

Visualising Victoria's Groundwater (VVG) is your one stop shop for visualising information across Victoria as many groundwater data warehouses including:

  • SOBN
  • Historic Groundwater Management System (GMS) data, (DEECA)
  • Geological Exploration and Development Information System (GEDIS) (Eco DEV)
  • Victorian Mineral Springs Data Base (VMDS)
  • Priority Sites Register for Victoria (EPA Vic)
  • Groundwater quality restricted use zones in Victoria
  • Certificates and statements of environmental audit (EPA audit reports)
  • Research Bores

Visualising Victoria's Groundwater ( Link

Finding bore completion records, lithology, and drillers logs

Records of bore purpose and construction are submitted and held by Victoria Water Register Home ( Link

To construct a new bore for investigation, monitoring and observation purposes please register via. My water - Water RegisterExternal Link Final bore completion information may be submitted here also.

To view and access historic bore information, visit MapShareVicExternal Link . View and select the multiple bores you need from the map and download individually or together as a single file.

On WMIS you will find bore completion data, lithology and stratigraphy for SOBN.

Licenced bores, and domestic and stock use

To view data for Victorian bores originally constructed for irrigation, take and use, or domestic and stock, visit MapShareVicExternal Link .

Please note that the purpose and licencing conditions for bores change over time, and this information is held by Victorian Water Register.

Reviewed 11 June 2024

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